Enhance Engagement With Rewards Program Optimization
Cardholder demands change fast. So do we.
Stagnation is the enemy of innovation. Your cardholders compare the experience they have with your loyalty program against every other brand — that’s the reality of a digital, global world.
At ampliFI, we don’t settle for the status quo. We’re evolving, testing and designing better solutions based on the changing needs of cardholders. Leverage this innovation for rewards program optimization solutions that evolve the rewards experience for your cardholders.
Innovation Is Our Only Constant
Just like your desktop, your loyalty program requires regular updates. At ampliFI, we’re constantly envisioning tomorrow’s needs — and building rewards program optimization tools to meet them.
Meet consumer needs while providing ROI to your institution.
More Relevancy
Provide consumers with relevant, personalized offers.
More Differentiation
Identify program differentiators and deliver a unique value proposition.
More Opportunity
Increase engagement by raising program awareness, reinforce value, and create differentiated experiences.
More Value
Deliver high perceived value to consumer with meaningful earning opportunities and deep and varied redemption options.
“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.”
Henry Ford
Evolution Ensures Rewards Program Optimization
Deliver innovative features based on market needs.
Innovation and platform enhancements are fundamental to helping you optimize your programs. We’re always at the forefront of evolution, so your cardholders are getting the best experiences before anyone else.
Ready to evolve your loyalty program?
Engagement & Analytics
Provide robust and easy-to-use client performance measurement and continuous program improvement tools.
User Experience
Create an exceptional user experience by adding new features, enhancing capabilities, and reducing friction.
Redemption Option Expansion
Drive greater usage and customer satisfaction by providing ubiquity of redemption options through innovative features and partnerships.
Use L.E.A.P. For Rewards Program Optimization
Launch your data revolution with L.E.A.P.
Driving loyalty program performance demands the deep insights and reporting capabilities afforded by LEAP.
- Peer & Industry Benchmarking
- Portfolio Analysis & Development
- Data-Driven Campaign Strategies
- Lifecycle Campaign Management
- Performance Monitoring & Triggers
Enhance Your Program With Our Engagement Tools
When you partner with us, you get constant innovation and feature updates that deliver improved experiences to you and your cardholders — and there’s also so much more.
Full-Service Marketing & Support
Deploy a fully-branded custom website and mobile design that extends your brand. Use the Marketing Portal and collaborate with our experts to build your program.
Portfolio Insights and Data Analytics
Access a platform that helps you attract, engage and retain cardholders. Use L.E.A.P. to identify areas of opportunity and drive improvements across your program lifecycle.
Customized Earning & Redemption Offerings
Design customized point parameters and point earning levels. Enable diverse redemption for cardholders with rapid-redeem and convenient capabilities.
Modernize Technology
Integrate file formats and multiple providers, including your financial institution, debit and credit processors, digital providers and the core platform.
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